Spapens International BV was founded by Mr. Frans Spapens as trading partner for the European shoe business in the early seventies. With the focus on the safety shoe business Spapens International BV was able to grow a strong network of global exclusive partnerships.
Nowadays the family business is managed by Jos Spapens and recognized globally as specialist to the safety shoe business and has expanded its services to the fashion shoe business.
Rubex, Poliyou and Starlet
The basis of the company is established by the long term partnerships with Rubex Czech Republic - specialized in Rubber Outsoles - Poliyou Taiwan - specialized in insoles - and Starlet Pakistan manufacturer of fashion shoes and safety uppers and shoes. These partnerships are formed many years ago and characterized by quality, trust and craftsmanship.
Our partners
from design to production
Spapens International BV is a full service provider, that supplies parts or finished products to the major global markets (Europe, South America, Asia and Middle East).

Safety products
Qualified products

Rubber Soles
Foam insoles

Fashion shoes
Safety uppers
High quality, high service, high reliability
Commission Agents involved in textiles, clothing, footwear and leather goods.
Safety & qualified products
Rubber soles, Poliyou insoles, safety uppers & fashion shoes.

ISO certified and REACH Compliant
ISO 9001 is the International Standard for Quality Management Systems. It helps you with customer satisfaction, process improvement, product improvement, pre-qualification and requests for quotation, operational efficiency, internal auditing, risk management, training and competence and brand and reputation.
REACH is a European Union regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals. It came into force on 1st June 2007 and replaced a number of European Directives and Regulations with a single system.
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